Nir And Far: Business, Behaviour And The Brain

Email Management: How to Hack Back and Cure Inbox Insanity-Nir&Far



Email is the curse of the modern worker. Some basic math reveals just how big the problem is. The average office-dwelling professional receives a hundred messages per day. At just two minutes per email, that adds up to three hours and twenty minutes per day. If an average workday is nine to five minus an hour for lunch, then email eats up nearly half the day. Realistically, though, that’s a very conservative estimate, since those three hours and twenty minutes don’t include the wasted time needed to get back on task between checking emails. In fact, a study published in the International Journal of Information Management found office workers took an average of sixty-four seconds after checking email to reorient themselves and get back to work. Given the hundreds of times per day we check our devices, those minutes can add up. You can read the NirAndFar blog post on: Email Management: How to Hack Back an Cure Inbox Insanity NirAndFar, a podcast about business, behavi