Diamond Factory

16 - 9-19 Tom Challan 10 THings To Build To RCD



http://diamondfactorytraining.com There isn't just ONE way that works to share Young Living and grow a full or part time business. Some people have goals to make a few hundred bucks a month, some a few thousand ... or more. Tomorrow night Jen & Tom Challan are going to go over 10 of the TOP ways to share the Young Living message. Tom and his wife Kim have grown home based businesses, reaching the top ranks in various companies for over 25 years. He is a ROCK STAR sponsoring machine and you can learn his secrets!! This is what we are going to talk about: * If it is a requirement to do presentations / classes in order to do this business * Where to find people with money and interest to talk to * Do good old fashioned ads work * The common thread among EVERY WAY that works * What product or communication knowledge you need in order to be good at sponsoring Join us tomorrow night! Get your pen and paper fired up because this one is going to be awesome.