Journey To Organization With Rebekah Saltzman

093: Waste and Organization



I was working with a client in the beautiful and holy city of Jerusalem this week and I saw the trash being removed from the old city. I was shocked to see how hard the workers had to work to remove it and how much waste there was.  Waste as in trash, but also as in seemingly good things that were still usable but being discarded. It reminded me of some articles by Lord Rabbi Jonathan Sacks and Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon that I had read in Ha'Mizrachi Magazine a few weeks ago in their Tu B'shevat edition.  I had been wanting to share what I had read with you but wasn't sure how to tie it all in - well I figured it out  and I hope it was clear.  Waste is directly related to organization.   Or consuming is directly related to organization.  When we consume more, we waste more or produce more waste.  We have a moral obligation to take care of the environment and our mitzvot exemplify this.  When we consume more we not only hurt ourselves (digging yourself out of the mounta