Journey To Organization With Rebekah Saltzman

091: Holding On



Figuring out why you are holding on to things can be difficult but it is a worthwhile exercise because it helps us to move forward in the decluttering process.  Holding on to things because of fear of scarcity - worry that you won't have access to what you need and holding on to things that you store in other places, or even in your own space because they hold sentimental value isn't always the best thing to do.  Unpack your feelings - process the relationship between the items and how it makes you feel and then allow yourself to move on. If you have a topic you would like Rebekah to discuss or a question you can email her at: and follow Rebekah on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @balaganbegone Check out Rebekah on Pintrest as Rebekah Saltzman and join the FREE Facebook group - Organizing in Israel - Balagan Be Gone (you don't have to live in Israel to join!) Subscribe to the mailing list at