Journey To Organization With Rebekah Saltzman

088: 5 tips to help you declutter with your family



This week on the podcast I give you 5 tips to help you declutter when you don't live alone!  Ready?    1. It isn’t you it is me… a lot of the time you are the problem - be honest - look at yourself and see if you are really holding yourself back - don't automatically blame someone else. 2. Clean up your own space first... This is a no brainier- how can you expect your family to get organized if you yourself aren't??? 3. Get to the root of the problem -If you get stuck and feel like you can’t go on - now is a good time for some honesty - ask yourself - why are you holding on to it? 4. Respect the other people in your house - and their stuff-  Respect that people let go of things at their own pace, and respect their stuff, don’t chuck other people’s stuff.  5. Set goals and assess needs together as a family - some questions you can ask to create goals:  What will our house look and feel like when we are done? What do we draw the line at? What  do we agree we must keep?&nbs