Journey To Organization With Rebekah Saltzman

057: Shavout & Shmita. How matan torah teaches us to reduce



In this episode we will discover why how Matan Torah (receiving the Torah) is connected to shmita and how that teaches us to reduce our waste. Included are some actionable tips to reduce right now. The main point of giving the Torah at Mt. Sinai was to teach the Jewish People about the Sabbatical Year, shmita. But what does the year of rest have to do with giving the Torah, well, it teaches us that during that year, the land reverts back to G-d for a rest, and it shows us we don't really own the land. Just as we don't really only the land, can we every really own our things, or do they own us? Since we can't take it with us, we should reduce now, allowing us to truly enjoy what we have! Follow Rebekah on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @balaganbegone Check out Rebekah on Pintrest as Rebekah Saltzman and join the FREE Facebook group - Organizing in Israel - Balagan Be Gone (you don't have to live in Israel to join!) Subscribe to the mailing list at