Behind The Curtain With Jeff Reynolds

Conclusion of Michael Yon Interview, and Sean Kennedy on Liberal Prosecutors Appeasing the Rioters: Ep. 28



This podcast is a continuation of what I started in Episode 27, a series of podcasts that are the most important I’ve ever done. I am talking with a bunch of sources about the riots in our city streets, the insurrection that is taking place, and how widespread the violence could get in the leadup and aftermath of the coming election. My first interview this week is the conclusion of my talk with Michael Yon. In Episode 27, we talked about why he decided to come to Portland for the two month period before and after Election Day 2020. He’s here to determine how close the United States is to insurrection, splitting apart, or even civil war. In the conclusion, we talk about his time in Europe in former Soviet bloc marxist countries, his time talking to the Proud Boys and other right wing groups to see if they’re really white supremacists, and what he’s learned so far about antifa’s plans to disrupt the election in Portland and nationally. Michael Yon has done extensive writing for many years on armed conflicts ar