Iconic Women By Icon Group

Icon patient and breast cancer survivor Jodie Lydeker



Episode NotesWe speak to Icon patient and breast cancer survivor Jodie Lydeker about her cancer journey. From dealing with her initial diagnosis to returning to work after undergoing cancer treatment, In this episode, Jodie shares her very honest insights on the effect it had on her body image, her relationships, career and her new outlook on life after cancer.Jodie has written a blog, She.Me, about her cancer journey, and her reflections and learnings which you can find hereCREDITS:Guest: Jodie LydekerHost: Alicia MooProducer: Kate CrillyFOLLOW:Twitter: @icongroupglobal Instagram: @icongroupglobal Facebook: @IconGroupglobal LInkedIn: Icon Group Website: icongroup.global