Megan Edge

On the Edge of the Healed Masculine



Iron John, the Mens Movement, Awakening the New Masculine, Responsible Fathers Movement, International Mens Day what does the Healed Masculine look like? When the Me Too Movement gained momentum, some men raised their voices as well with stories of childhood and adult sexual abuse. What are the expectations placed on boys and men within patriarchal systems and what is the impact on the masculine sense of self, responsibility and duty as a man? Are we experiencing a masculine backlash to womens emerging power with an increase in violence against women and children? What sort of man does a boy who has been abused grow into? Master Teacher Megan Edge and her amazing and wise co-host, Dr. Pat are exploring all sides of the Healed Masculine in this timely episode of Playing on the Edge Radio: Radical Change with Ease, On the Edge of the Healed Masculine, and are asking, Can the masculine be healed? Watch live on Facebook.