Psychedelics Today

Horizons NYC - 2017 - recap



Download Kyle and Joe report from the scene of the amazing Horizons: Perspectives on Psychedelics conference. We had the chance to interview attendees of Horizons NYC 2017 outside the venue on the closing day. Horizons is a fantastic event at an amazing venue in the heart of Manhattan at the historic venue - "The Cooper Union." The same podium on stage was shared by Abraham Lincoln, Susan B Anthony, and along with many other important historical figures. It was an amazing event and we hope that this episode helps share some of the excitement. We talked to past guests, future guests, and also some new friends. You may recognize some of the voices :) Let us know what you think of this episode and if you want to hear similar episodes to this in the future. [vimeo 237699822 w=640 h=360] Horizons 2017: NICHOLAS BYRON POWERS, Ph.D "Black Masks, Rainbow Bodies: Race and Psychedelics" from Horizons on Vimeo. In the show, we speak about a lot of things from Horizons NYC including The most interesting thing lear