Psychedelics Today

Vilmarie Narloch PsyD - Harm Reduction and Policy



Download We have an awesome time speaking with SSDP's Drug Education Manager, Dr. Vilmarie Narloch. Vilmarie is making a big difference with drug safety in the US and internationally with SSDP's education program 'Just Say Know.' During the show we discuss Vilmarie's work with policy around the Good Samaritan laws and other impressive and impactful harm reduction projects. We also discuss some of the pressure from various elements in the government regressing rules, like some law enforcement offices refusing to use Narcan\naloxone to help save the lives of people overdosing. This episode is a dose of compassion and gives perspective about the different impacts from the drug war and prohibition. If you are a student who wishes to get involved in drug policy work, please check out the work that SSDP is doing. If you do not have a chapter at your school or university, start one today! Vilmarie also joins us in our course Navigating Psychedelics for a master class featuring harm reduction strategies and more.