Real Answers With Dr. Kate Siner

Returning To Love In A Conflict Situation 3/12/15



It is often the case that the people that we love most are those that we have the worst conflicts with. Our most intimate relationships can touch upon our deepest places of hurt, mistrust and wounding often leading to misunderstandings, distance or all out fights. Although these bumps along the path of relating may be inevitable, we can smooth the ride (or at least manage to stay on the path!) by remembering to return to a place of love in all situations of conflict.Sounds great, right? The question is - HOW? Join Dr. Kate Siner with her guest, relationship expert, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and founder of Romantic Alchemy, Tabatha Bird Weaver as they discuss ways to connect with compassion no matter what situation you are in. This week show will give you the tools to reduce conflict and create deeper levels of trust and health in all of your important relationships. See for privacy and opt-out information.