Blind Entrepreneurship With Johnathan Grzybowski

49: Jeffrey Eker | CEO of CultureCloud



Culture Cloud is an app that allows people to connect based off of their similar interest in real time. The app allows you to connect with global travelers and locals from around the world. #Timestamp 01:00- Reese's Cup 01:55- Introduction to Jeffrey Eker 03:50- Where Did The Idea Come From? 05:45- What Should American Millennials Be Focusing On? 07:25- Where Did Jeffrey's Passion Come From? 09:00- Struggles Early on In CultureCloud 11:35- Biggest Failure This Far In CultureCloud 13:05- How Much Travel Has Jeffrey Done? 14:45- How Does Jeffrey Communicate With His Team That's All Across The World? 16:00- Types of Resources To Make Jeffrey More Efficient 17:40- GoogleDrive is Jeffrey's Most Valuable App 18:40- Stories About Jeffrey's Travels and How Important It Is To Meet People. Also How CultureCloud Helped People Meet For The First Time (Stories From Bali) 21:05- Case Studies From CultureCloud 24:30- How Marketing Worldwide Actually Helped CultureCloud Grow 14:45- How Does Jeffrey Communicate With His Team