Blind Entrepreneurship With Johnathan Grzybowski

20: Jesus Lopez | Co-Founder of One Pay



You Must Believe in Yourself, Persevering, and Never Give Up “Believe in the power of what you can do and what you can bring. Persevere! The world is going to come down on you and you gotta fight through it. The hardship will will pass but you can’t let it affect you. Server crashes, websites fail…there are a lot of mental fights in entrepreneurship.” Understand the Culture “If you want to be in the startup environment you have to understand the culture. How it works, etc… A lot of young startups that are trying to take off, don’t know the ins and outs. They may not know that they are going to wear twenty hats at a given time. You have to know how to convince people, you need to know marketing, law, accounting, and etc… It’s not essential to know everything, but you need to at least know a little bit about everything. Having that knowledge first hand is going to give you a lot of power to grow a bigger and better company faster.” #Timestamp 00:30: Introduction 01:45: Passion 03:00: Struggles in Business 05:45