Blind Entrepreneurship With Johnathan Grzybowski

David Zamarin | Founder of Detrapel



Don’t be Scared and Just Get Started “Failure cant be an option in your mind, failure will happen, but you cant think twice about the opportunity. if you think so much about that one idea, then there’s a chance that your fear could be worth it…” Google The Hell Out of Your Life “Philadelphia is never recognized as an entrepreneurial city, but it’s growing. Use your resources, follow the basic steps, and connect with people that can give you advice. Chambers of commerce, networking groups, and events are great places to start. Don’t forget, It’s ok to ask for help. Even if it’s a dumb question, don’t be afraid to just ask. Google will help you with all of the questions you may have in life…” Invest Your Time Wisely in Your Startup “There will be a lot of things you’re gonna do that may not be necessary, even when you think its necessary. That’s why having mentors are important. A lot of people think you need a website, before they have a product…” One of David’s failures was that he has a website but never had