Happy Body - A Serena Podcast

Release Pain in the Calves, Feet, or Ankles (20 min)



If you are suffering from pain in your feet, ankles, calves and shins, these simple movements will help relieve your discomfort. These body parts are the most distant part of the body from the brain and as a result we sometimes unconsciously treat them like distant cousins or, in the worst case, complete strangers. Many people are so disconnected from their feet that without looking they aren’t even sure what their foot's position is in space or angle is relative to their legs. When we become estranged from a part of our bodies, all sorts of problems can arise. At a simple level, we see people walking in a uneven or unfamiliar terrain looking down at their feet and having to take over some manual control of their feet placement. In the worst case, you see feet (metaphorically speaking) become so upset by their abandonment that they cry out in pain for no apparent reason. Whether it is a simple injury, a serious trauma or something chronic like CRPS (Complex regional pain syndrome) RSI/RSD (Repetitive str