Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

96. Darren Jacklin: How To Be Super Successful When Other People Write You Off



“Success is not something you pursue. Success is something you attract into your life because of the person you become.” As a kid, Darren Jacklin was told he’d never amount to much. As a child, he found friendships tough, he struggled with reading and writing, was diagnosed with ADHD, and was eventually enrolled into a special education class. But looking back, these early experiences created a resilience and determination that empowered him to succeed. He was going to prove everyone wrong. Today, Darren is a world-class speaker, a corporate trainer, and a philanthroInvestor, but it was a tough journey to get here. After high-school, he tried to kill himself on multiple occasions. He had to learn to walk again after a car accident, and he even became homeless in his early 20s - eating meals out of dumpsters. But after meeting the right mentor, Darren’s life changed for good. Over the last 23 years, Darren has had a global impact. He’s travelled across four continents and trained over 1 million