Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

67. Todd Herman: Using Alter Egos To Experience The Life You Want



“An alter ego gives you an amazing tool to tap into the creative imagination to allow you to unfold and see more of what you’re capable of.”This episode’s guest is an absolute rockstar. I picked up his new book a few weeks back and finished it within 2 days - which should be telling for the greatness that was shared here.Mr Todd Herman is a peak performance coach and serial entrepreneur who’s been mentoring elite performers in the world of sport and business for over 20 years. Through his treasure box of tools and philosophies, Todd is known for helping people achieve their most ambitious goals.And in this episode, you’ll discover one of his most powerful techniques - so you can use it for yourself.The technique I’m referring to is the use of an “alter ego”, which comes from Todd’s new book - The Alter Ego Effect.Alter egos are the “other you”. They are characters (or identities) you can ‘activate’ to demonstrate the mindsets, beliefs, and practices that enable you to take the actions required to achieve your