Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

45. Frank Mocerino - Transforming Poor Health into an Impactful, Fulfilling Life



“There’s a lot more going on here than just cells floating around in my body. My mind has a lot more to do with it than I believe.” Frank started college just like any other student. He was outgoing, social, and identified himself as an athlete. But that all changed in his second semester when he got diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. Used to peak fitness and endless physical energy, Frank started to experience intense stomach pains and blood in his stools - on a daily basis. Sport became painful and Frank’s social life dried up because he never wanted to be far from a toilet. After 18 months of declining health, Frank put his trust in the doctors and agreed to have his colon removed. This involved major surgery and a length recovery process. Frank felt better for a few months, then the pain started all over again. In this episode, Frank tells his story of finding positivity amongst this chaos. He shares how he was able to learn from his dwindling health to take control of his life an