Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

42. Majeed 'Magic' Mogharreban - How to Infuse Your Life with Passion and Purpose



“You have to take a leap of faith that you can in fact succeed at one thing… and practice that great advice which is sometimes hard to follow which is called focus.”This episode’s guest is a rockstar!Majeed started his entrepreneurial journey when he was just 16. By the time he was 21, he’d bought and sold FIVE companies and used entrepreneurship to fund his passion for travel.Majeed is now in his early 30s and he’s married with two young children, but his mantra for life hasn’t changed. “I live to travel” and that’s what he does! He now travels the world helping experts get their stories onto stages so they can serve more people with their message through public speaking.It’s one of the reasons Majeed has such incredible insight. Through his work he gets to help all kinds of people including Olympic athletes. This breadth of knowledge and experience shines bright throughout conversation.One topic we talk about a LOT is passion. It’s so important if you want a life that’s fulfilling.So come listen in and disc