Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

34. Ashley Hampton - First Steps Back Up



“My job is to help people find resources to improve their quality of life so then they can do things like... be happy and have some routines that make them feel fulfilled.” In this episode, you’ll meet a women who says the prison system feels like home. She’s not a felon and she’s never been convicted, instead the brilliant Dr Ashley Hampton spent time helping inmates create a new life for themselves. It’s a fascinating story... As a psychologist, Ashley loves to connect through people through their stories - and as she shares some of her own, she reveals that we’re not all that different. In fact, very often it’s our choices that separate us and not our backgrounds or life experiences. Challenge that us v them mindset, and it’s possible to feel a connection with virtually anyone - even if your lives seem like worlds apart. “That’s how you get a goal. You start small, and you move forward, and you make those steps along the way... You have to start somewhere.” In this episod