Realm & Ruin

Episode 67: [REALM] A Magnificent Return



Welcome to Episode 67 - Sweeter than an invite to a Slaaneshi party! Matt and Cameron discuss their latest hobby work, all the recent Warhammer news plus highlights from the community! Show Highlights:- What are our fondest Warhammer memories? Which character from history/forklore would we want represented in Warhammer? Sigvald returns!! New 40k Codexes announced and more specialist games goodness on the way! Matt plays some AoS games and gets excited about brushes! Cameron plays yet more Necromunda! Community & Discord Hobby Highlights Plus more! Timestamps:- Discord Question 1- 04:24 Cameron's Hobby & Community Spotlight - 23:40 Episode Hobby Tip - 56:21 Matt's Hobby & Community Spotlight - 01:00:15 Discord Highlights - 01:19:50 News - 01:23:00 Discord Question 2 - 02:03:50 Episode recorded on the 29th November 2020. Hobby Community Spotlight Links:- Matt's Pick - Khorne & Nurgle combined Cameron's Pick - _Holy Zoat!