Michael Vorpahl

Excel "Em-Vee" - Drive Time Thoughts: Is that the lifestyle for you?



I am always pondering different things about the way day to day things are done. Maybe you do too. Maybe it’s more like “How am I going to get all this done?” “Is that really the deadline?” Or maybe you think you have weeks to get something done and then “OMG I STILL HAVE ALL THIS TO DO YET!” I remember what that is like. Shit, it be like that sometimes. I have learned there are some things that will make it more bearable. It takes discipline, dedication, but belief in yourself to make it happen though. Before criticizing I want you to know I know everyone’s situation is “different”. I know there are “circumstances” that make the situation “unique”. I want you to concentrate on the overall concept and then think to yourself, how can I become more productive? How can I apply these things to myself? Maybe it’s setting out all outfits for your kids on Sunday that way all you have to do is grab and go every morning. I know that helped me tremendously, plus it kept the laundry moving from one spot to another too.