Kevin Whitsitt

Launch Jacking in Affiliate Marketing – Red Flags and Dirt!



Click on the link below to discover “the most helpful guide” on how to promote offers. Today I'm going to talk about launch jacking in affiliate marketing. Everyday people create products and they do launches. You can find these launches on a site called   Many times when someone views a new product they are not sure on it. They then go to Youtube or Google and try to get more info on it.   When you launch jack your reviewing the product and hoping someone will buy through your link.   I know what you might be thinking and that is what about the cookie?   With #affiliatemarketing if someone clicks on your affiliate link a cookie tracks that person. Then if they buy you get paid because it's tracked through the cookie.    What if they click on another marketers link then a week later click on your affiliate link and buy through you. Who gets the sale?  It's a good question. Jvzoo, which is an affiliate marketpla