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JASON FALLS | How to maximize your professional development #006



Jason Falls is a leading digital strategist, Author of No Bullshit Social Media: The All-Business, No-Hype Guide To Social Media Marketing; and, more recently, The Rebel’s Guide To Email Marketing; he’s the founder of SocialMediaExplorer.com; and he has his own podcast, 100 Proof Show. On this podcast, we discuss how children create humility, ways to conquer imposter syndrome, and how big brands need to get out of their own way. Today, we discover great marketing perspective, not letting geography or career hold you back, and keys to professional development. In This Episode, You’ll Learn: The wisdom of delegation How to have a long tail approach to your work and team Maintaining the course with patience and diplomacy Willing to skin your knee, take your lumps along the way How having a child brings a big dose of humility Understanding that the dominoes may not always fall the way you want, but that they never fall the wrong way If you have good ideas, they’re marketable anywhere – you