Rightforamerica With Steve Nettles

RightForAmerica - Ebola - bola - bola!!!



Ebola has been dominating the news headlines for the past 2 weeks. The President has sent troops to West Africa (not sure why). Two people here in the states have now been identified as having Ebola. One of them may have exposed over 100 people to the virus. Have we taken the right precautions regarding protecting American citizens? What are the risks to the America people? For that matter, what are the risks to the rest of the world?  Are lesser developed countries in South America or Latin America prepared for an epidemic in their country? What is Right For America?On RightForAmerica there is no slant to our show - no left, no right and no bull  - we shoot it straight down the middle. Please join us - listen, chat, or call in and lets hear your opinion.The RightForAmerica Network broadcasts on www.blogtalkradio.com every Sunday afternoon at 5:00 PM EST. We discuss politics, current and world events. Join The Right For America Network as we discuss why we believe our country is headed in the wrong direction