On The Platform

Responsible AI and the content challenge



Consumers are hungry for content. Platforms must feed that appetite. And they're using AI to manage the huge volumes of content as efficiently as possible. The challenge? Making AI act responsibly. Listen as Martin Stoddart, Principal Director of Platform Experience, Accenture Software & Platforms’ and Principal Director for the Software and Platforms group, and Rumman Chowdhury, Accenture's Responsible AI Lead, explore some of the ethical risks and opportunities that companies face when introducing AI into their content operations. AI can have a huge impact on the productivity of content operations. But those gains can be seriously damaged if the work AI does to review, label and moderate content replicates and entrenches human bias. Responsible AI aims to eliminate that threat. In this podcast, you'll hear how platforms can make sure they design their AI to act in the consumers' and platform's best interests. Learn more: accntu.re/2rcahwW