On The Platform

What SMBs need: Bridging the gap (Part 2)



There’s often a big gap between SMBs’ digital dreams and reality. To bridge it, platform offerings must be hyper-relevant and ROI-focused. Listen as Jacqueline Morgan, Principal Director of Platform Adoption, Accenture Software & Platform and Growth Principal, Accenture and Shannon Kinney, Founder and Client Success Officer, Dream Local Digital, explore what SMBs want from new technology and how platforms can build engagement with this vital market. Too much choice, too complex and too little time. That’s SMBs’ verdict on platform offerings. They know they need them. But DIY implementations seldom work, integration’s hard to handle and in-house resources are scarce. It’s why 40% of SMBs abandon new tech soon after purchase. Platform companies that solve these challenges will build trust and grow revenues. The keys to success? Relevance, guidance, support – and keeping a laser focus on ROI from day one. Read more about our capabilities here: https://www.accenture.com/us-en/software-and-platform-essentials