On The Platform

What’s next for SMBs: Growth performance solutions (Part 4)



Platform companies are under pressure to drive revenue growth in the SMB segment. Now there’s a targeted solution that does exactly that. Listen as Jacqueline Morgan, Principal Director of Platform Adoption, Accenture Software & Platform and Growth Principal, and Danielle Moffat, Offering Lead, Growth Performance Services, reveal a new, connected approach to the SMB market that’s delivering some exceptional results. Right now, many platform companies struggle to drive growth in the SMB market. The old sales funnel approach is failing. It’s tough to convert leads. Talent’s in short supply. And there’s a disconnect between marketing, sales and service. The key to outperformance? Moving to a customer-led, integrated engagement approach that provides the best CX on the planet – continuously relevant, at every touchpoint, throughout the SMB customer lifecycle. The name of the solution? Growth Performance Services. Built on a human+ approach, with people augmented by smart machines, it’s unleashing new growth –