@ Sea With Justin Mcroberts

Season Six



When I started the @ Sea Podcast, I was doing a bit of soul searching. The way I communicated it originally was that the cultural spaces I was used to hosting the work of soul-shaping and meaning-making had ceased to work for enough people or enough kinds of people. In response to that, I wanted to be a guide (a good captain, as it were), helping to navigate the turbulent waters of an unsure/unclear future.  So, I set out to talk with people who were building that future, people who were making what comes next.Over time, I learned something vital: it wasn't' the artifact or the program or even the culture that comes next; it was the person doing the work of making and changing and rethinking and maintaining; that person is what's next.In short, you're what comes next.Then it hit me that I'm part of what comes next, in my own way.And this podcast is part of how I live into that.Over this next season, we will certainly touch on the issues and topics that have been a hallmark of this podcast. But I'll do less fo