Abu Abdissalam

Story of Barsisa



Abu Abdissalam was born in Coventry and was raised in London. Graduating with a Bachelors degree in Computer Science from the City University in London, his zeal for knowledge led him to give up a subsequently lucrative career in the computer industry to join Dr Al-adth Al-Khayriyyah in the blessed city of Makkah where he obtained a degree in Islamic Studies, specialising in adth and its Sciences.During his time there, he has studied under many of the prominent scholars of our time. He has completed a degree at the Dr al-adth, Makkah.In the course of his studies he has acquired ijzas for all of the six major books of adth (al-Bukhr, Muslim, al-Tirmidh, Ab Dwd, al-Nas and Ibn Mjah). In addition to this, he has obtained ijzas for the Shar of Aqdah awiyyah of Ibn Abd al-Izz al-anafi, Shaykh Muammmad Amn al-Hararis Shar of the Muqadimmah of Muslim and Nuzhat al-Nar Shar Nukhbat al-Fikr of Ibn ajar.Abu Abdissalam has translated a number of Islamic texts from Arabic into English for the benefit of the English speaking Muslims around the world.Abu Abdissalam also appears regularly on Islam Channel, a UK-based satellite channel which is currently broadcasting two of his series: Heavenly Pearls and Stories of the Prophets.