Gab With The Gurus With Connie Bennett

Tiffany Monique -- Beyonce Back-Up Singer Shares Weight Loss Story



Tiffany Monique is best known to the general public for being one-third of Beyoncé’s background singers, famously known as “The Mamas.” Now, vocalist/songwriter Tiffany Moníque is ready to step out of the shadows with her debut EP, "Nemesis." On this introductory project, Tiffany collaborates with seasoned musician, producer and Beyoncé’s music programmer, Kevin “Kwiz” Ryan along with partners Marlin Smith and Tony “T-Ro” Carter of Digital Khaoss Productions. Beyonce said of Tiffany: "Tiffany's voice has effortless strength, sass, seduction, and heart with a tone that puts you at ease." Tiffany is on the Gab with the Gurus Radio Show to talk about her weight loss success story. Not only did she end a long cycle of yo-yo dieting and go from 235 pounds to 158 pounds--and counting--but she's also making huge strides in her career as a recording artist. Let's root for Tiffany, and get ready for an exciting radio show.