Mindset Digital

Ep. 24: Three Things: Home Pods, YouTube's ad policy wrt Hate Speech and Depressed Robots



In this Three Things episode of the mIndset Digital Podcast, Matt Weiner, Hope Madden and Michael Harwick each take four minutes to get creative director Pete Brown up to speed on a variety of recent happenings in the digital world, including Apple's Home Pod, YouTube's new policy for advertising on hate speech videos and a chatbot who may help you feel better about yourself. Check it out! Links: Apple HomePod http://cnnmon.ie/2qUe3xD (CNN) http://cnet.co/2qZjlmE (Cnet) http://tcrn.ch/2sB8rFD (TechCrunch) YouTube clarifies Hate Speech definition http://bit.ly/2s1BqVq (ArsTechnica) http://bit.ly/2s1BqVq (Wired UK) http://bit.ly/2tXmUMT (Forbes) WoeBot woebot.io http://bit.ly/2rUdHGs (Wired) http://cnet.co/2sOPAX0 (Cnet) http://read.bi/2qYrjkC (Business Insider) http://bit.ly/2s19Mon (Peer-reviewed study in JMIR Mental Health)
