Political Storm




Today's the big day! Who are YOU going to choose? There has been controversy on BOTH sides. Today we speak with Chuck Abmrose for his unique perspective on this. From Nixon’s Watergate scandal to “Operation Fast and Furious,” former prosecutor in the federal and local courts of the District of Columbia and Boise, Idaho resident Chuck Ambrose has seen it all. He has also seen blatant corruption get swept under the rug for the purpose of political agenda. Now that he is retired, he is speaking out. He would be a great guest to talk about the current election, especially since he worked directly with Joe DiGenova (former US Attorney for the District of Columbia who came under fire recently for speaking out against James Comey’s decision not to indict Clinton).“Following all these amazingly horrid exercises in poor judgment by political operatives posing as prosecutors, I strongly believe the time has come for the creation of an independent justice arm for the nation,” Ambrose says. “One that could be trusted to