Science Drives, Wellness Steers

019: Mindfulness visualization for Kids



This is for kids--no intro, no ads, no transitional music. I'm walking your kids through how to use visualization as a tool to self-regulate. Pre-requisite skills to get the most out of this: ability to sit still for 10-15 minutes with coaching, ability to follow receptive instructions (spoken word) with coaching, ability to tolerate headphones, or listening on a tech device.   Hacks: wiggly seats for kids who struggle to be still, handheld fidgets for busy fingers (smooth rocks/crystals, small handheld toys that don't distract, squeeze/stress balls), textured carpet/shag rug tp sot/lay on. A note on volume: I've intentionally kept volume low to ensure no one's ears are overwhelmed. Crank it up if it's too quiet :) In a totally kid-friendly way I'm: 1) Explaining to your kids (and you) what visualization is as a mindfulness tool. 2) Telling your kids (and you) why visualization is a super powerful tool for self-regulation. 3) Leading your kids (and you) through 3 short ways you can practice visualization. 4)