Jody England

Come, Passion



I’ve been waiting for my word for the year to find me. It’s been slow to come this year.Listening, sitting... courting, waiting.Letting the Universe have Its Way With me.And then, this week as a Divine Gift in honor of my Birth Day - it arrived as the most profound gifts do.Out of left field and in a completely unexpected package.Purchase this photo here.Deep and rich, its wisdom opening me and taking root in the nether reaches of my Being.Passion.A strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything.Or, any powerful or compelling emotion such as Love or Hate.My first lesson is Passionately Under Way.Children being gassed, bombs being dropped, the world devolving into more pain and chaos.Is NOW really the time for Passion?COM-passion, certainly.But, concern with my own Turn On?Commitment to fulfillment of my own desires and passions?It was hard to comprehend.Until Goddess shined her light on the Both/And.Until Grace rained down and in, cracking my heart open and In-forming the next initiation C