Jody England

Platitudes, Peeves, and Particularities



You Can Never Step Into the Same River Twice...And other Pet Peevey Platitudes.Or, um... Peevey Pet Platitudes.Coming to you live on Wild Soul Medicine Radio this week.Photo creditGreetings, Sister,I was a little punchy this week, after three connecting flights, 14 hours of travel, with my teenage children. A midnight arrival, to an arctic tundra and a house topsy turvy with demolition/reconstruction.One COULD lose her mind in such circumstances (which, truly, is always a saving Grace), and also… she could allow the humor of it all to tickle her into submission.Crying, complaining, laughing - really all sides of the same coin.#AllOfLifeSurviving a week with two sullen (did I mention??) TEENAGERS on an island in a little beach house with none of our usual hidey holes to escape to, necessitated me resorting to pulling out All The Stops.Sacred trickster, Exasperated just-wanna-vacation pleader, Wise elder, Angry dictator, Bat shit crazy-she done lost her mind raving lunatic, Sisterly confidante, and SO many more