Jody England

Wild Soul Conversation with Ali Shanti



Greetings, Sister,Inspiration is brewing. And fire.I am feeling The Call.To DO something.It is emerging in and through me as Goddess takes the wheel and I surrender wholly to Being Used.After several weeks of being deeply internal - listening, dissolving, grieving, raging, and re-membering, I finally connected with a couple of my wisest sisters this week.My Soul had been hungering for it. A perspective on what is happening, a soft place to lay my tender heart and open to wisdom I Trust from women who are vast and multi-dimensional. Women who are doing their work while holding space for a planet in Transition.It was just the Medicine I needed.Although we are seeing different things and navigating the tumult of our own shadow work, there is strength in sharing perspectives and comparing notes.What the hell IS all of this? What is my role? What is yours?What are you seeing? What does it feel like to be where you are?What are the prayers of your heart?This access to a Truth bigger than myself is opening doors and