Jody England




Greetings, Sister,Pleasure, desire, expansion and dissolution… I’m following the breadcrumbs of my Soul’s Evolution while being fire hosed with a deluge of creativity, downloads, old patterns and shadows to revisit, and new possibilities too many to number.It is intoxicating. And dizzying.And this morning it led me to a conceptual inquiry around the idea of Enough.Not in the way you might think. I’m not trying to shut this down.In any way.In fact, my wonderment was about dissolving the concept of Enough altogether.It is fraught with limitation and puritanical renunciation. I am considering making a case for letting go of it as a guiding principle altogether.Annnnnndddd…. it happens to be a primary manifestation of the core wounding of my primary Soul Medicine Path.In other words - there is possibly (likely) more here than meets the eye.So, I’m slowing my roll just a bit to circle in this investigation.A lot is already revealing itself and I invite you to join me for some Wild Soul Medicine today as we explore