Jody England

Spiritual Entitlement



Greetings, Sister,I have a bone to pick. Well, several actually.Chalk it up to Mercury going retro again, starting my moon, three hours of last minute dress shopping last night with an almost 13 year old - stressing over a big debut today, and a schedule packed tighter than a sausage this week…But I’m just not feeling conciliatory.EVERY thing is on my list (and on my nerves).Both my Great Mother and my Warrioress wounds were out to play yesterday and I decided not to tame them.There is always Medicine inside of the ruffled feathers and the perturbances that show themselves. And I used it all to IN-form our Wild Soul Medicine this week. Being a Whole person requires that we embrace our messiness and our discomforts. It is how we grow and also how we come to know ourselves on the deepest levels.This week, my husband and I had some realizations that our conscious parenting has created a huge sense of entitlement in our newly teenage children. Because we have always tended their feelings and made sure they were m