Jody England

In Defense of Ego



I hope you are basking in the sweetness of this full moon energy. She feels gentle and affirming to my system - softly, sweetly loving Us right where we are.It’s a beautiful thing. So much is being dissolved right now. Non-Essential parts being stripped and melted away while tender, fresh elements of Being are growing themselves more sturdy and solid.I am being Made New in every moment. I have no idea who I will be tomorrow - let alone next week or next year.Letting go of so many things I thought I was. Questioning the pieces of identity that have become so familiar, I didn’t even notice they were there…Until they weren’t anymore.It is a vulnerable and curious time.I spoke about it last week on the show as I burned my own house down once again.It felt good. Liberating. Had to be done.Calling myself out on the places I’d been drinking my own Kool-Aid as an invitation to others to do the same.Opening a door for Us to meet as Pure Souls - outside the constructs that have defined us.But… as it turns out, Our ego