Jody England

My Yoni is No Longer an Open Item



The last couple of days have been intense for me. I had been in a beautiful space of rest, and expansion. Reveling in the coming of Summer and feeling resourced on all levels.And then Monday morning, I happened to have the TV on when they broke in to announce the Supreme Court’s ruling to overturn the restrictive anti-abortion regulations that had been imposed by the Texas legislature.I admit, I had not been paying attention.It has been painful to watch the “war on women” rage through our planet as liberties we have enjoyed for decades have been eroded, and we have been reduced to picketing to restore partial rights as we make our way back to the level of sovereignty we recently took for granted.I had grown tired of watching panels of white men legislate our yoni’s and I was unclear about right action or even any action that didn’t feel utterly futile… so I had dropped out of the conversation.And then, this curious synchronicity of events presented itself and grabbed my Full Attention.It’s been burning throug