Jody England

Grieving for God



I almost decided to skip doing a show today. To stay internal with my tenderness and quiet in my Grief.It has been quite a week. Almost two weeks, in fact.I have much experience in these realms. I am made to See in the darkness.I am used to doing it with swiftness and courage. Dispatching the demons with sureness and precision.But this particular dark place was of an entirely different nature. In it there was only Slow and Stupid. I could only get out by wallowing in the depression and waiting, waiting for someone to come get me - and when (and whether) that would ever happen was entirely unclear.It was worrisome to my loved Ones. My people aren’t used to seeing me rendered so utterly Help-less and Despairing.I ate and ate and slept and slept. I shuffled around my house and drove around in my car eating doughnuts and sobbing to sad music.I mourned the distance between my estranged mother and me. I lamented the state of the planet and the women I love who are taking detours on their path to consciousness - or