Jody England

Magik School - How to Get Free



TURB-U-LENT. The energies this past week have been no joke!Triggers flying, irritations front and center, emotional eruptions on every front… you’re not alone. None of us are immune.Some stuff is going DOWN. And you, Dear Sister, have a front row seat.Just by being alive right now, you have agreed to play the game. Our world is rapidly transforming with great velocity and there is much quaking and jolting as it all tries to shake itself out.Women are always asking me, “When will things get better? Is there an ‘easier’ on the horizon?”The Truth is, things are going to get increasingly chaotic as structures continue to crumble and obsolete ways fall apart.The world outside of Us will not settle on its own. No amount of waiting it out will deposit us on that distant shore.BUT… that doesn’t mean we are helpless or destined to be victims to the Collapse.Instead, we are being Called to Priestess from the center of our experience. To be the Creatrix whose Being brings order to the Chaos.Not from a space of control o