Jody England




These last weeks have been an intense experience of purification for me. In the wake of a deep betrayal by one of my closest inner circle, I have been thrust into the fires of grief, despair, depression, and rage. I have felt the burn of eons and eons of cellular memory incinerating the most sacred altars of sacrifice and self responsibility in my system. I’ve mourned, retraced my steps, processed, listened, triaged, missed many nights of sleep, comforted others, comforted myself, processed some more, received counsel, wrung my hands, gnashed my teeth, and surrendered over and over again. And this week I find myself circling, cycling, swirling in the Anger.I’m pissed. Really pissed. At her, at the world, at pretty much everything. My dragon wants to rain fire down on the whole fucking thing.I’ve received a lot of advice from very wise people that I should keep this to myself. I should tone it down, talk only to my inner circle about it and to those most directly affected by it. I’ve carefully tended my trigge