Jody England

A Spring Cleaning for your Energy System



Spring is nearly upon us. Here in the midwest we’ve seen our first peek of warmer days and the crocuses and hyacinths are beginning to stretch their tentative buds toward the invitation of sun.I love spring. I was born in the Spring, (I’m an Aries born in April) and I always feel extra invigorated and alive at this time of year.I’ve still been enjoying a renaissance of spirit within my evolutionary path and loving my life on all levels. That’s why this week I was caught by surprise by some deeply buried layers of gunk from my past that loudly and forcefully presented themselves to my awareness. In hindsight, the Universe has been sending me subtle signals for a few days, but I wasn’t really open to seeing them… Until Now.On our show this week, I shared the inside scoop on the secrets of the past that came to claim me and what I am doing about it.With eyes wide open, I took a good look and showed up to let go of that which no longer belongs in my space. As you listen to this week's replay, I invite you to do t