Jody England

Your Competence is Killing You



If you missed our show last week, we talked about the importance of giving yourself room to breathe as you lean into the feminine grace of what wants to be birthed through you this year. We also tended to the energetics of completing what has been in order to be fully present for what you desire now.I’ve been taking my own advice and allowing lots and lots of breathing room for myself to be with what is up for me next. Here on the heels of my first multiple hundred thousand dollar launch, with oodles of time on my hands and the prospect of seemingly unlimited opportunities before me… I have found myself strangely unmotivated. I can feel something new and completely foreign calling to me, but it is so out of my frame of reference I haven’t been sure what to do with it or how to even explore it.I’ve been so identified with my competence. My ability to see, and heal, and fix. To accomplish and plan and implement.Those gifts have created magic in my life - for my clients, my family, my staff, and for me. They hav