Jody England

Money - The Untamed Conversation, Part 2



We are truly creating a New Paradigm here as we discern more and more about the dynamics of what’s really at the heart of our money situation - what’s really out of alignment with our exchange with the world and how to begin to shift the places that are out of alignment in order to bring us more fully into our truth. We are discovering that our money situation is really just a symptom of the misalignment of other aspects of our lives… and ultimately our Soul.I am so enjoying the unfurling of the dharma of this system and I want to continue to explore what is here for Us.On this week's show, in service of our understanding more about our money story and the underlying Medicine for our Soul, I opened the phone lines for our listeners .. and they showed up with so much courage and medicine for all of Us.Here are a few highlights: 6:08 The One Vital secret you must know to actually shift your money situation11:34 The truth about what money REALLY is18:30 How to fix your energetic exchange with life [Hint: It'