Jody England

The Lady of Gifts



We are finding our stride! We're only a month into this journey and we have been playing with different formats for our time together. Leaning in and trusting where the Divine leads. Letting go of agendas and expectations. Opening to miracles.Yesterday's show was a space of magic, a session filled with aha's and healings for the courageous Souls who called in to the show and for those of us witnessing the shifts in their energy. There is medicine for you everywhere when you wake up to what is presenting itself.You may have some matches to the women who shared their vulnerability with us yesterday:•Healing a broken heart after a break-up•Why am I so exhausted all the time?•Why can't I let my life be easy?Any of those resonate with you? They sure did for me and many of our listeners. I am continually gladdened by the freedom in recognizing we are not alone in our struggles and the validation of seeing ourselves in others.Here are some of the highlights you can listen for when you tune in to the replay: 2