Op2 Talk With Bill Crespo

Author Danielle Leibovici Interview OP2 Talk Host



Danielle Leibovici was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. She is the author of the Award-winning Children's Picture BookSeries; Under The Tree. Danielle is a Licensed Marriage Family Therapist who works with children and families. Her experiences as a psychotherapist and parent have inspired her children's book series. She knows what children respond to and what parents are looking for in high quality children's picture books. Each heartwarming story, with it's identifiable illustrations, incorporates simple and universal truths that all readers appreciate. Danielle resides with her husband, children and dog in Norfolk, VA.    Ready to get motivated and inspired with the best experts and celebrities across the country?! Then join us every Tuesday 6pm EST when we promise to provide you with fresh, fun, and practical tools and tips you can use to be your very best! Call in with your questions to (424)258-9296, join the chat room, follow us for worry free updates now. Join your host, Bill Crespo, Certif